Top 3: Cenotes Closest To Chichén Itzá

Last Updated Jun 19, 2024

If you are planning your trip to the majestic Chichen Itza, don't miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the cenotes around this archaeological wonder .

Get ready to explore crystal clear waters, impressive rock formations, and a magical atmosphere that will take your breath away. And best of all, we'll take you there from Cancun and the Riviera Maya!

Cenote Ik kil

The Magic of the Cenotes

the cenotes around this archaeological wonder, or freshwater sinkholes, are a unique feature of the Mexican landscape. These subway oases offer a refreshing refuge from the tropical heat and are an important cultural and ecological site for the region.

These unique geological formations, known for their crystalline waters and fascinating history, are freshwater sinkholes formed by the erosion of limestone over millennia. However, for ancient Maya civilizations, cenotes were vital sources of water and sacred portals to the underworld, known as Xibalbá.

Cenotes were considered sacred places where the gods and spirits dwelled and where souls could communicate with the spirit world. As a result, many cenotes became sites of religious ceremonies and human sacrifice during the pre-Columbian period.

Cenote Ik kil

However, as Maya civilization declined, many of these cenotes were abandoned and forgotten, remaining buried under the dense jungle for centuries. It was only in more recent times that cenotes attracted the attention of modern explorers and scientists.

With the rediscovery of their natural beauty and archaeological value, these sites have become popular destinations for tourism.

Among the multitude of cenotes that abound in the region, there are three of them that are a gateway to a world of natural and cultural wonders that will leave you with memories to last a lifetime.

1. Cenote Ik Kil

Known as the “Sacred Cenote”, whose name means “the place of the winds”, this impressive cenote is an obligatory stop on your visit to Chichén Itzá, and we could say that it is the most beautiful cenote in Yucatán. Located only 3 kilometers from the archaeological site of Chichen Itza and 35 minutes from Valladolid, Cenote Ik Kil will surprise you with its turquoise waters, surrounded by lush vegetation and natural waterfalls.

In this cenote, you will find small balconies along the stairs leading down so you can observe this beautiful landscape. This is the most famous cenote near Chichen Itza and has a depth of 48 meters and crystal clear waters where you can refresh yourself and enjoy the surrounding nature.

In this cenote, you are allowed to bring food and drinks so you can spend the whole day in this beautiful place since it is open every day from 9 am to 5 pm. Remember to respect the recommendations of the place, take care of the flora and fauna, and above all, pick up your garbage.

Cenote Ik kil

2. Yokdzonot Cenote

Venture off the beaten path and discover the hidden beauty of Cenote Yokdzonot . This hidden treasure is one of the best cenotes in Mexico and offers a more tranquil environment, perfect for those seeking a more intimate experience with nature.

Cenote Yokdzonot

The particularity of this cenote lies in the fact that it is operated by a local women's cooperative , making of this cenote a favorite stop for tourists. Immerse yourself in its crystalline waters and admire the stalactites hanging from the ceiling. In addition, in this cenote, you can jump on a zip line to live the great experience of admiring its impressive flora and fauna from above.

Cenote Yokdzonot is located 20 kilometers from the archaeological site of Chichen Itza and is open Monday through Friday from 9 am to 4 pm and Saturday from 9 am to 2 pm.

Cenote Yokdzonot

3. Xtoloc Cenote

Cenote Xtoloc is an equally important cenote for the people of Yucatán, its name means “iguana”, and it is located in front of the Sacbé temple that goes from the plaza of the Thousand Columns. This cenote is much more than just a water well, it is a unique ecosystem that houses a variety of flora and fauna.

In this cenote, you can swim and enjoy its crystal clear waters, while the magnificent nature that surrounds it relaxes you. It is open from 8 am to 5 pm.

Cenote Xtoloc

Transfer Service from Cancun and the Riviera Maya

At Odigoo, we understand the importance of making your trip as convenient and enjoyable as possible. That's why we offer a comfortable transfer service from Cancun and the Riviera Maya to the cenotes near Chichen Itza. Our expert private drivers will take you safely and punctually, so you can enjoy your day of exploration to the fullest.

Get ready for an unforgettable adventure in the cenotes near Chichen Itza! Contact us today to book your transfer and discover Mexico's subway treasures.


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